David E Johnson Jr


My name is David E. Johnson Jr., and I help young people discover their faith through my love for music, art, and connection! I believe that by discovering yourself, you gain the clarity needed to uncover your belief system and find your love for spreading the Gospel.

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The Story Behind the Music

"It's Possible"

"It's Possible," is the culmination of years of determination, effort and obedience by David, and it has emerged as both his testimony and life's anthem. David's testimony centers around his commitment to the ministry of celibacy because David believes that waiting until marriage is a gift from God which he has graciously received. David received divine confirmation to share his story through song when God spoke the words, "it's possible," to him.

Listen to, "It's Possible," http://snd.click/David?shr=qr&key=bc96ad42

"I Need Your Grace"

“I Need Your Grace” starts off with the question, "What if you woke up one morning and grace wasn't there?" That's a question that anyone who's ever done anything that they've regretted has probably wondered. The perspective changes when the pre-hook comes around from contemplation of "what-if" to the here and now with the lyrics, "so falling on your face, with desperation in your heart, you realize, that now it's too late and you can't go back there, but while you got a chance won't you make a new start." This means that even though a person can't go back and change what they might've done wrong, because of God's Grace, there is always a chance to "make a new start."This song is a contemporary worship ballad with a powerful chorus that reinforces the notion that "as long as I have breath I will always praise" God because God's Grace will never leave.

Listen to, "I Need Your Grace," http://open.spotify.com/track/7D4iInkTagyKzSv6epivN9?si=7652c50d53984734

"Shake Em Off (feat. 1K Phew) [Extended Version]"

This song was birthed after many years of me being influenced by the gogo music sounds of Washington, D.C. I went to undergraduate and graduate school at Howard University in Washington, D.C., and gogo was all around me. As I moved from D.C. to Atlanta, GA, I was introduced to Makeba Woods, and I started working with her in the studio. As we were recording some songs, I mentioned to Ms. Woods that I wanted to do a gogo song because of the musical influences that D.C. had on me, and Shake Em Off was born. For the "Extended Version," 1K Phew of REACH RECORDS agreed to be on the track with me after sharing how much he loved the song after first listen.

Listen to "Shake Em Off (feat. 1K Phew) [Extended Version]," http://open.spotify.com/track/4Xypfq7k0Q5sehT3ApBOnN?si=1d1be2407a404079

"Shake Em Off"

"Shake Em Off," was birthed after many years of me being influenced by the gogo music sounds of Washington, D.C. I went to undergraduate and graduate school at Howard University in Washington, D.C., and gogo was all around me. As I moved from D.C. to Atlanta, GA, I was introduced to Makeba Woods, and I started working with her in the studio. As we were recording some songs, I mentioned to Ms. Woods that I wanted to do a gogo song because of the musical influences that D.C. had on me, and "Shake Em Off" was born.

Listen to, "Shake Em Off," http://open.spotify.com/track/5EZOsODxlNiZMIEzUGIcBc?si=c2d5637b77684aee

"Shake Em Off (Official Music Video)"

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